Floppyshop 2
Floppyshop - 2.zip
Floppyshop - 2.iso
Text File
119 lines
| Instructions for 'Ice Data Depacker v2.0' by MUG U.K™ |
Released into the Public Domain
This document belongs to the utility in the Programs folder of
this issue of Maggie.
Right then, this little program will allow you to depack ANY data
file that has been packed with the Ice Packer v2.11 by Axe of
Delight. This was a much needed feature missing from the packer,
because it was a pain in the backside if you just packed the file
that you only had a single copy of !!
The program is really easy to use, and should any problems occur,
then it is something that I haven't accounted for (which isn't a
lot !!). All you have to do is load up my program, and you will
prompted with a file-selector which requires you to click on a
file that has been packed with the ICE Packer (v2.11 or
previous). This program will check the header of the file, and
let you know if the file is NOT an ICE data file and it also
recognises the Automation packer header too !!!
If the file is NOT an ICE packed file, or any disk error occurs,
you will be returned to the first file-selector. Either try again
with another file or select 'Cancel' from the file-selector,
where you will be given the option of returning to the desktop,
or back to the program.
If the file is an ICE packed file, a screen will appear with the
following information on it:-
i) The length of the file (in disk-space terms)
ii) The length of the packed file (as ICE packer knew it as)
iii) The length of the unpacked file (as it will be AFTER it is
The reason for including both (i) & (ii) on the screen, is that
some files I found would be 20K in length, but the ICE header
would say it was only 19K in length - very odd indeed !!!
Anyway, if you press a key at this point (ESCAPE will escape -
naturally !!) the file will be depacked (and the screen will
flash a bit - oo-er !!) and then another file-selector will ask
you for the output filename.
That's all there is to my little program. It works with almost
everything I've tried, with one or two exceptions - eg. Life's a
Bitch Demo (sorry guys - but I was trying out my Disk2File
Grabber, as well as this program and your demo was perfect for
Çtesting !!!).
Have fun, and I look forward to updating this program soon so
that it will work with any version of the ICE Packer (v2.2
onwards). This program is not compatible with v2.2 for the simple
reason that the source code I've been sent will not depack the
extended picture packer files. If anyone (Axe of Delight ??)
would like to send me an up-to-date version of the v2.2 source-
code, then write to the address at the end of this file. Do not
send ANY form of pirated software, as the address is for my mates
computer shop !!
I would also like depack source code OR the following packers:-
Automation v2.51+ (I've got 2.51r - any later versions available??)
Ice Packer v2.2+ (especially the depack sources)
Pompey Pirates v1.9y (even if it's just the depack source code !!)
Gollum Packer (whatever it is & whoever wrote it - I want it !!)
Fire Packer (a pre-release Ice Packer - or what, I want it !!).
YOUR packer (if it's any good that is !!)
If you are wondering what the hell I want all the above packers
for, I shall explain. I want to write a similar shell as this
program, but it will be able to depack ANY form of packed data by
the best packers available !! The program (if it is ever started
!!), will be released into the Public Domain, and I daresay it
could even be well received by everyone - but I need YOUR help
(packer authors especially) in order to finish it off !!
Have fun
MUG U.K™ - 1/4/1991
Depacker Program & Documents: MUG U.K™ - 1/4/1991
Ice Packer & Depack Source: Axe of Delight
Contact Address:
Broadsword Computers,
141 High Street
LL18 1UF
Any problems, queries, questions etc. should be sent to the above address,
Çand don't even think of writing if you want copies of software etc. I will
keep all the disks & burn the letters of idiots who write to me asking me
for the addresses of so-and-so etc.